Record Label Is Not Your Career, They Can Do This If You’re Not Careful – (Artist Must Read)

To Every Nigerian Fast Rising Artists, Music Is Investment, Record Label Is Not Your Career – Read This

The rate at which our modern Nigerian Upcoming artists are going in search for record labels has become so rampant.

Nigerian music industry is far beyond just asking to join the trending musical team or record label, even after getting signed into any label of your choice, Have you ever thought of what you would do to make you stay relevant or remain visible for long without fading out the radar or thrown out of the record label?

This is where absolute plan and creativeness comes in. Also Consider being independent artist as an option, After all what matters is your good music content and promotion funds

As an Artiste, you have a role to play as long as your career is concerned.
Your record label or company management will always do for you what they feel they should do and everything they do, they do them for their own interest too

But you’ll always know what’s good for you at a certain time, you’ll always know what you want at a particular time and if you go for them on your own without asking or waiting for the management to do them for you, they’ll be huge to do more, they’ll know that you actually that you’re willing to make the necessary effort to become the best.

RELATED: Upcoming Artistes Must Do This Before They Can Blow In Music Industry

Just imagine watering a mango tree for 3 to 5 years and you don’t see any improvement, now, you’ve done your best and your own part too, just to help the mango tree bear fruits buh it doesn’t, what will you do? Me, I’ll cut it off 🤷🏼‍♂️

Some Labels Will Dump You If Case Not Taken

This one is very common in Nigeria’s music industry, I will not mention the labels that have dumped some talents or the victims in particular

NOTE: Record label is not your career, they can decide not to invest in you like they’re to others depending on how you play your role both in the company and in your career too because when you support yourself, you’re equally supporting the company too.

They should at least have control over your career, mainly, instead of your needs as well

Thats all!!

Written by: DJ Rich Daddy

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