You’re Very Stupid If You Believe That 5G Network Is The Cause Of Coronavirus

LISTEN! Only Foolish Nigerians Would Say That 5G Network Is The Cause Of Coronavirus

You’re Very Stupid If You Believe In The Conspiracy Theory That Connected 5G With Coronavirus

No link between 5G and coronavirus – NCC dispels rumour on danger of 5G Network Technology

It’s funny how ignorant our people are in Nigeria.

What do you expect when some of our political leaders and religious leaders are the ones in the fore-front of spreading a bunch of unverified information.

It’s beginning to seem like some pastors and political leaders just want to take advantage of the high rate of illiteracy in the country to gain cheap popularity. Dino Melaye and Pastor Chris are on this table.

By The Way What Exactly Is 5G?

What is known as 5G is an improvement on today’s 4G technology, it’s the 5th Generation of mobile network operations that has more capability and speed. With 5G technology, you can download a 1gb file in one second which explains how useful it will be internet-wise and mobile networking around the world.

5G Network Cannot Be Achievable Anytime Soon According to experts, some countries have started working on necessary infrastructures to achieve 5G networking and of course it will take longer than we all imagined before it can be achieved. This is because the 5G network will require more masts closer to each other and it’s been estimated that the United States Of America alone will need up to 1 million masts to make 5G everywhere in the country.

It’s been estimated that 5G won’t be available worldwide until 2025. So, what’s all this stress about?

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