Owner Of Star Sharwama Has Been Arrested By EFCC in Makurdi for Delaying customers ₦1,600 Refund

The CEO/Owner Of Star Sharwama Has Been Arrested By EFCC in Makurdi for Delaying customer who requested ₦1,600 Refund

Major Shawarma Joint Arrested By EFCC Officials In Makurdi Over N1,600.

It is confirmed that CEO Star Sharwama was arrested and detained yesterday by EFCC officials in Makurdi.

A female EFCC staff ordered and paid for an item , she was supposed to pay 1500 but made an online transaction of 1600 instead.

Meanwhile Star Sharwama was expecting an alert for the Payment of 1500 but the alert did not drop, they saw an alert but assumed it was for another person’s order not hers because her bill was 1500 and not 1600 kept calling to remind her of their money, when they finally got the statement from the bank which showed that she was the person who made the payment of 1600,

Star Sharwama called to inform her and apologize for everything, but she was very angry and vowed to deal with them.

On Wednesday Miss Ato was arrested with other staff of her restaurant and detained at Efcc office in Makurdi, the others were later released, but she was kept in detention and released around 7 pm, she was accused of fraud . She was asked to report back today on allegations of fraud. Miss Ato was to be charged to court today for fraud. This is the charge sheet below:-

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