Why NEPA Always Flash Light & Take When It’s About To Rain

Why NEPA Always Flash Light & Take or collect it When it Rains

Why NEPA Flash Light & Take When it Rains

In Nigeria, the acronym NEPA famously has two possible meanings. The first is what it was originally meant to designate, the National Electric Power Authority. (Blackouts are often met with the exclamation: “NEPA has taken the light!”)

Where Does Electricity comes from?

Electricity in Nigeria is generated through thermal and hydro power sources. The main source of electricity generation comes from fossil fuels especially gas which accounts for 86% of the capacity in Nigeria with the remainder generated from hydropower sources.

Why Do NEPA Flash Light

It’s a question I still often ask when the power goes out due to rain. Even if it’s only “light” rain, our exquisite PHCN won’t hesitate to shut down the power. I only have two questions for you;

  1. Is it a tradition that electricity must be off when there is rainfall?.
  2. How does PHCN know when it starts to rain

Why NEPA Take Light When It Starts Raining

  1. To cool off the transformer

  2. They put it off because somehow somehow something can happen

  3. They put it off because wind tend to make the naked cable wires touch and when they do you know what happens

  4. To save you from being electrocuted should incase one wire falls on the road. … I’m short (to avoid electric shock)

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