WHO Suspends Trial Of Hydroxychloroquine As COVID-19 Treatment Over Safety Concerns

The World Health Organisation has suspended testing malaria drug, Hydroxychloroquine, in COVID-19 patients due to safety concerns.
WHO Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, in a virtual press conference on Monday, said the decision came after the publication last week of a study indicating that using the drug on COVID-19 patients could increase their likelihood of dying.

Hydroxycholoroquine has been touted by United States President, Donald Trump, and others as a possible treatment for the disease.

Trump had said he was taking the drug to help prevent infection.

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“The executive group has implemented a temporary pause of the Hydroxychloroquine arm within the solidarity trial while the safety data is reviewed by the data safety monitoring board,” Ghebreyesus said.

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