‘While Pandemic Rocks, I had a stroke’ – Sony Irabor Reveals And Tells Lessons his experience taught him as he turns 70 years old

Sony Irabor turns 70 years old today being March 23.

The media icon took to Instagram to mark his birthday.He also disclosed that he suffered a stroke “right in the middle of a pandemic”.

He said his home was “turned upside down momentarily” by the incident.

He explained that the experience was “challenging” as he also began to suffer from vertigo.

He added that his wife, children, and big sister have been blessings to him and “when you have a great family, you can rise faster against all travails”….

While Pandemic Rocks, I had a stroke’ - Sony Irabor Reveals And Tells Lessons his experience taught him as he turns 70 GalantNaija.com

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He also revealed that the experience taught him some lessons and he shared those lessons with his followers.

“Be there for your family and friends so that in your days of need they will be there for you too,” he wrote.

His wife, Betty Irabor, also took to Instagram to celebrate him.

Happy birthday King,” she wrote.

Sony Irabor birthday age

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