VIDEO:- WOman Who Beat Up Her 2-year-old Daughter & Called Her Prostitute After Being Raped Has Been Found

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Barely 24 hours after video of a yet-to-be identified woman beating up her 2-year-old daughter and calling her a prostitute after the daughter was raped by a man simply identified as Baba Kekere went viral, the mother of the 2-year-old daughter has been found.

Galantmedia learnt that the some concerned Nigerians visited the woman to correct her notions and positions on the incident but the woman seemed unrepentant and acted aggressively towards the people who visited her to discuss her daughter’s wellbeing.

The mother of the 2-year-old rape victim told her guests that she is educated and made it clear that she does not appreciate their interference.

It was also learnt that the concerned Nigerians made attempts to take the kids especially the 2-year-old girl from the woman but she did not allow them to take the kids.

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According to report, the kids were taken to the police station because no one was willing to take the children of the woman in.

The good Samaritan who made the rape victim’s plight go viral said the children might have to be returned to their mother since the police can’t keep them indefinitely.

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