UPDATE: “Sylvester’s blood is on all of us, We all failed him” Pretty Mike blames Nigerians as he points out things individuals do that promote injustice

Celebrity Pretty Mike has said we all as citizens failed Sylvester Oromoni, the young schoolboy who died after allegedly being beaten up by seniors at school.

The socialite said Nigerians are all expressing outrage now and calling out bullies, but all citizens had a part to play in Sylvester’s death.

He said the hospital took too long to diagnose and treat Sylvester and he blamed our health care system.

He blamed parents who buy violent video games for their kids and also people who bully others in the presence of their kids.

He also called out parents who let their kids watch wrestling matches.

He said the entire society had a part to play in the death of Sylvester and the child’s blood is “on us all”.

Pretty Mike added that he hopes the call for justice for Sylvester will not end with just a hashtag, the same way the call for justice for Uwa and other victims of injustice has been forgotten.

Read his post below.

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