UnLucky Thief ‘Japa’ As Gas Filler Knocked Him Down with Cylinder

Unfortunate Thief ‘Japa’ As Gas Filler Knocked Him Down with Cylinder.. Armed robber flees after gas vendor knocked him down with cylinder
Unfortunate Thief 'Japa' As Gas Filler Knocked Him Down with Cylinder

Positioned Closed Circuit TV camera captured the moment a highway robbery ended badly for a lone armed robber….

The thief tried to rob vendors who were transporting gas to be delivered in their truck but he got knocked down by a fast thinking man.

One of the gas vendors who was in the back of the van threw a gas cylinder that hit the robber in the head forcing him to fall down.

The unlucky armed robber regained himself almost immediately, got up in panic and fled as the vendors tried to engage in pursuit.

SEE THE VIDEO ยป below


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