There’s Nothing Like Heaven And Hell Fire, Don’t Be Deceived! – Richard Idasenibo

Controversial Nigerian blogger and investigative journalist has stormed the internet with the belief that there’s nothing like heaven and hell fire, adding that God is not in anywhere

The writer also mocked Christians who hope in the existence of Paradise (heaven) when the world is endless… He claimed

Read His Posted Below

Oftentimes, due to my social media activities, some people do ask if I believe in the reality of heaven and hell. Heaven is an imaginary city made of gold, silver, diamond and platinum, somewhere in the blue. It’s a fairy tale, it doesn’t exist.

Hell is a place of torment, suffering, weeping and gnashing. Super story! If Heaven is real, no man of God would remain here on Earth. They’d have by one way or another, exit the planet Earth. But you know what? They were told, if you intentionally end your life, you’re going to Hell. That statement was created to frighten and enslave the mind of believers.

Your religious leaders could run to the United States or United Kingdom for medical treatment and vacation. Built themselves heaven on earth, and you think they wouldn’t have completely left the stressful and sorrowful planet earth for heaven by all means? A place of everlasting life, no weeping and gnashing of teeth? C’mon guys think about it. The whole Bible stories are complicated and contradictory.

I’m not sure we are ready for that today anyway. Mind you, I’m not an Atheist. I believe in the existence and supremacy of God and other higher authorities.

God is not in heaven or anywhere, but everywhere. God doesn’t have a shape, God is a force, the nature is God.

Aren’t y’all seeing what Jesus brothers (Israelites) are doing to Gaza? Do you know the amount of sophisticated weapons in their possession? If they are to launch an attack on Nigeria, just few hours, the news headline would be “There Was A Country Called Nigeria”.

So tell me, are more religious and in need of heaven more than the Israelites? Do you also know that majority of them are yet to believe the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Most of them are still anticipating the coming of the Messiah. But here you are, in a third world country,(Nigeria) the rest of the world had blacklisted, acting foolishly.

Anticipating an imaginary “Hope City” instead of embracing technology and advance your lame brains.

Pardon my choice of words please. Don’t be deceive. The world has no end. The day you die, is your end. Then life goes on. There’s nothing like heaven and hell. The Jehovah Witnesses knew this, but doesn’t wanna be explicit about it.

I drop pen here.

RELATED: “I Dont Want To Make Heaven, – Save Your Prayers For Your Mothers” – Angela

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