The Easiest Way To Become Jobless Is By Going To The University – Lecturer

A leading expert in teaching institution, Professor Godfred A. Bokpin has hinted on reasons why he will rather prefer every young lad to go and learn a skill than going to the university.

The Lecturer at the University of Ghana Business School Professor Godfred A. Bokpin made us understand that the easiest way to end up being unemployed or jobless is to attend the University.

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Bokpin on 19 August made an exaggerated assertion following his experience with Ghanaian’s certificate holders.

The lecturer believes that the rate of unemployment among Ghanaian Graduates is at alarming and worrying levels and needs to be addressed with the urgency it deserves.

He noted that currently, Ghanaian Graduates spend all their youthful years looking for non-existing jobs; something he sees as worrying for a developing country.

The Lecturer was reacting to claims by the Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumi that the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo- Addo government has handled the country and its economy very well than the erstwhile John Dramani Mahama administration.

“The easiest way to become unemployed today is to go to the university. Because unemployment is high among university graduates between 22 to 29 years.

They are spending their productive time/youth looking for jobs that do not exist even if they study employment in the university.

These are the issues that I believe should engage our attention. We can do far better,” he stated in an interview on Accra-based Joy FM.

To Godfred Bokpin, the current government has done very well in terms of macro economic indicators but indicated that they can do more to better the fortunes of the people of Ghana hence the urge to use the previous government under John Dramani Mahama as a yardstick should stop.

In Addition, the lecturer urged government to nip corruption in the bud because that is a major way life-changing policies that can be implemented to ensure that opportunities are created for the youths in the country.

“How does this comparison help the youth particularly university graduates who are struggling to get jobs?

How would this government compare even with our peers when it comes to inclusive growth, job creation? These are the issues. How about revenue generation to GDP ratio? Will we compare that to the NDC’s time or even compare that to our peers and Ghana’s own tax potentials? I think that it is easy to make that comparison because if you look at macro numbers, relatively, they’ve done better but they can do far better and the reason I’m saying so and why we must hold our government accountable is because Ghanaians voted for the NPP because they felt they could do better and NPP is in a position to do far better if we could tackle corruption aggressively in the same it appears. About 50 percent of leakages in our revenue envelop is as a result of corruption in this country” he pointed out.

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