SYLVESTER OROMONI DEATH: Take over Sylvester Oromoni’s case -House of Representatives tell IGP concerning Dowen College

Dowen College: Take over Sylvester Oromoni’s case -House of Representatives tell IGP.

Members of the House of Representatives have directed the Inspector-General of Police, IGP Usman Baba, to take over investigations into the alleged torture and eventual death of Sylvester Oromoni, an eleven-year-old student of Dowen College, Lagos.

The lawmakers gave the directive during plenary today December 7.

They also called for the students alleged to have perpetrated the act to be placed on a ”no-fly” list by the Nigerian Immigration Service.

Speaking during plenary, a member of the House, Unyime Idem, moved a motion of urgent public importance, titled ‘A Call to Condemn the Trend of Inhumane Treatment in Nigerian Boarding Schools Across the Country and Comprehensive Investigation into the Activities of Nigerian Boarding School System.’

Adopting the motion, the lawmakers “condemn in strong terms, the recent incidences of inhuman treatment and abuses happening in the boarding schools across the country,” urging the Federal Ministry of Education to set out guidelines for the operations of boarding schools across the country.

The House also mandated the “Inspector-General of Police to immediately commission and take over the investigation, prosecution and punishment of the perpetrators of the identified heinous crimes.”

Furthermore, the House mandated its Committees on Education, Youth Development, and Women Affairs and Social Development to follow up with the investigation, set up a committee to brainstorm and come up with modalities and report to the House within two weeks.

Idem while leading the debate in the house, said

“These recent developments call for the attention of the lawmakers. These children that are being molested; these children that are being wasted, they are our constituents. We cannot watch this kind of situation happening in our constituency.

If proper measures had been put in place, we would not be having this. There would have been a proper way of monitoring the activities of these children.”

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