Surprisenly Ffk Advises Vp Osinbajo’s Mother

Surprisenly Ffk Advises Vp
Osinbajo’s Mother

Vice President Yemi Osinbajo’s mother says those that say that Buhari and her son have not done anything are living in another world. I say the following to her.

Mama, your son is not only cowardly and hopelessly corrupt but he is also an accomplice and an accesory to mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide.

He will face charges for war crimes and crimes against humanity at the ICC in the Hague after he has been removed from power.

He will explain to the world why he asked the Nigerian people to pray for the Fulani terrorist herdsmen as they slaughteted our children, burnt our Churches, massacred our priests, defiled our wives, stole our land, bucthered our loved ones, stole our heritage and desecrated all that is dear to us.

He will tell the world why he turned a blind eye to their hideous activities and encouraged their homicidal frenzy of butchery and sociopathic orgy of violence. He will explain to the international community and to the parents of the IPOB youths that were massacred by Nigerian security forces why he refused to condemn their bestial and murderous acts and why he declined to condemn them or put a stop to their activities.

He will tell the world why he remained silent when thousands of defenceless Shiite Muslims, including women and children, were slaughtered by the Nigerian Army. He will also tell the Nigerian people why he directed the serial arrest and endless detention of a courageous young hero of free speech, defender of democracy and champion of democracy called Prince Deji Adeyanju for no just cause and why he has kept him locked up in a Kano prison for the last 57 days. READ Shockingly Ariana Grande not attending Grammys after Producers ‘insulted’ her The tears that Deji’s aged mother is shedding today for her detained son are the same tears that you Mama will shed for yours when he has been removed from power, when justice is meted out to him and when he is forced to answer for his complicity and involvement in these horrific crimes against God and against humanity.

It is only a matter of time. You say that we are living in another world because we cannot see what you claim your son has done.

Yet the bitter truth is that the only thing that your son has done is bring division, strife, misery, pain, hardship, poverty, evil, death, destruction, incompetence, injustice, failure, shame and wickedness to the Nigerian people in the last 3 years and 6 months.

God is not mocked: He will avenge

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