Student dies after teacher allegedly flogged her for failing math questions

A 10-year old student simply identified as Zhang, has lost her life after her teacher allegedly flogged her for failing mathematics questions.

Zhang who was a primary school student in the city of Guangyuan, central China reportedly died at the hospital after she was beaten on her palms four times and ordered to kneel for four minutes.

Xinhua News Agency, stated that the 10-year-old girl was feeling dizzy before she was sent to the hospital by her grandmother and the teacher.

The math teacher identified as Wang, was said to be in the habit of constantly giving corporal punishment to students.

However, medical experts found no wounds and an investigation into her death is ongoing.

The Cangxi county government has set up a task force and the teacher has been suspended from work, along with the school’s principal.

Zhang’s grandmother told the media that she had a twin sister who was in the same class, adding that Zhang looked close to fainting during the beating.

She also revealed that Zhang was scared of her math teacher, who often gave corporal punishment to students

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