STORY:– What Happened Between A Church Keyboardist And His Pastor … If You’re The One What Would You Do?

STORY:– What Happened Between A Church Keyboardist And His Pastor … If You’re The One What Would You Do?

You are a keyboardist in a church. One Sunday morning, before the arrival of the pastor, a stranger finds you in the temple and gives you a packet of sugar for the pastor and a sum of 10,000 Naira for yourself.

When the pastor arrived and you updated him, he refused to believe you.

He says it is inconceivable that someone will donate a simple packet of sugar to him the pastor, and that he gives you 10,000. So he collects the 10,000 Naira and gives you the sugar.

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When you get home, you unpack the package and realize that it does not contain sugar but rather a well-counted sum of a million dollars.

Be Sincere, What Would You Do?
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