SAMGRIN Interview: “How I Started Music From My Hometown” at 15yrs — GalantMedia

GalantMedia Nigeria hosted an exclusive Interview with upcoming musical artist popularly known as SAMGRIN

The talent revealed “How He Started Singing At The Age of 15years” right from his hometown; Arigidi Akoko in Ondo State, — says (I don’t joke with music)


What’s your stage name

my name is Samgrin

When, where and How did you start music?

i started from my home town arigidi akoko ondo state at the age of 15years and that was 2009 cause I love to listen to hip-hop music and then I followed up with dagrin style I started writing my own song I record my first song 2014 which is omo Africa

Are you signed to any record label?
no, am not

Which instruments do you play?
play piano

What was the first tune(s) you learned? And which genre do you prefer?

the first tune I learned was Tupac hit em up cause I prefer to rap

What difference are you making in the music industry?

the difference is to compose sogs that has meaning to listeners

How do you balance your music with other obligations like school & job?

i don’t joke with my career, music is my hustle cause I was born to rap

Have you been in competitions? Concerts, radio, TV?

yes like battle of the sound talent show,and Lagos got talent

Have you won music award since when you started

no but I have won many artist that challenge me on the stage and free studio section

Woah, It means you also perform in public right?

yes I do

Are your songs also the regular “commercial” music recommended in Nigeria?

yes, sure

What influence your lyrics or what inspires you to write songs?

at the moment when the inspiration hit me I compose about lifestyle and what am facing on the street

Whats the Title of your Song trending now on air and when did you released it?

My favorite track is “life in the ghetto” was released on 28 of February 2019 and the song remain the best ghetto song of all the time

Whats the biggest problem you’ve had and challenges to overcome so far?’

-the biggest problem was lack of sponsor, and promotion and connection

‘What do you enjoy most about being an artist?

what I enjoy most about being an artist is the fame and doing what I dream for

What do you hate most?’

unreasonable song and fake friends

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?’

it will be the promotion between upcoming artist and promoter

With the little fame youve gotten already, how do you treat your female fans

-i treat them like my family because without them there’s no Samgrin

How will you feel when you become more popular

everyday we be my sunny day, that is i will be grateful

What’s the most memorable thing a female fan once did to you?

-given me hugs and dance to my music show performance

Which famous musician do you admire? And what have you learned from him/her?

–dagrin and olamide I learned how to compose good rhyme

Which record label will you love to be sign-in

–y.b.n.l or dmw

How far do you plan to take your career?


What can you say about new music that lacks messages going viral on air

–our artist now adays are into music because of money that’s why you would see them up for like two years and then drop down but everyone still have their choice

What’s the passion that’ keeps you doing music?

–my plan is to bring back to back hit with good lyrics

What advice would you give to beginners willing to become an artist

– we all know that is difficult to get there but don’t allowed anybody to discourage you, don’t give up and pray for what you are hustle for

thank you Galantmedia

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