“Prost!tution Is A Calling From God, Not Sin, S#X Worker Says (VIDEO)

“Prost!tution Is A Calling From God, Not Sin – S#X Worker Claims As She Reads Her Bible and Prays to God (VIDEO)

A professional night Business woman, Rochelle Grace (not real name), has claimed that prostitution is a calling from God.

Rochelle granted an interview with TV3 recently and opened up on how she got introduced into sex work and her life as a prostitute.

She disclosed that she was introduced by her friends and has been in the business for ten years, but doesn’t have anything to show for it.

She stated that the streets took everything from her including her pride and virginity, and all she now has is God.

Rochelle who was filmed preparing to head out for work, is seen reading Psalms 91 and praying fervently before going out.

Sex worker claims

She further revealed that she never intended to go into prostitution and wanted to either become a marketer, lawyer or work for the Ghana Police Service’s Criminal Investigation Department, but she couldn’t due to financial troubles.

In the documentary video, she said in part,

In 10 years of abuse, I have nothing to show the world. Nothing, I simply have a lease and if I don’t pay it, I’ll be evicted. This is my room, there is no luggage here, nothing, nothing to show for all the bother. My childhood desire was to be a lawyer or a CID, but I never had the chance.”

She also stated that she is tired of being a sex worker but sadly, her options are limited at this point.

Watch video of the Lady speaking below!!! Click LINK


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