President Buhari Advise Nigerians Not To Vote Him Again For Third Term

President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari Has Warns, Advised Nigerians Not To Vote Him Again For Third Term in Office

Nigeria’s President, Muhammadu Buhari has advised Nigerians to forget about him of any endeavor to look for a third term in office as being guessed. Buhari, who talked at the National Executive Council, NEC, of the All Progressives Congress APC, in Abuja on Friday said the Nigerian constitution didn’t enable him to look for third term and that he had no arrangement of doing anything like that.

The president expressed that such hypotheses by certain Nigerians were false as there was no arrangement for such. Human Rights legal advisor and Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), Femi Falana, had as of late claimed that Buhari had been bracing down on the media to set up the justification for the dispatch of his third term battle. “Our nation has gone to the mutts, and the media must assistance.

That is the reason the war is against the media on the grounds that, for the 2023 race, the media must be quieted. “You may have a third term crusade very soon. Very soon, they will wreck every conceivable adversary and they have begun.

Along these lines, when they get the third term motivation, the media would have been gone yet we won’t permit it,” Falana said. Previous Nigeria’s President, Olusegun Obasanjo, after the lapse of his second term in office endeavored to alter the constitution to give him a third term in office, yet that endeavor was crushed by the National Assembly.

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