Pogba Wants To Join Real Madrid – Sagnol

Paul Pogba wants to join Real Madrid, according to Willy Sagnol, who says “everything is prepared” for the Manchester United star to complete a move to Santiago Bernabeu.

The 2019-20 season has been a hugely frustrating one for Pogba, with a persistent ankle injury significantly limiting his contribution to United’s cause on the pitch.

The World Cup winner has only featured in eight matches, and it has been suggested that the midfielder could move onto pastures new when the transfer market reopens.

The Blancos have been tipped to submit a formal offer for Pogba later in the year, and Sagnol says “all of the conditions” are in place for a deal to be finalised.

The ex-France international told RMC Sport:

“All of the conditions are there for Pogba to go to Real Madrid. Florentino [Perez] wants it, Zidane wants it, Pogba as well.

“I think Manchester United would be happy because they wouldn’t have to pay his high salary anymore, and they would have money to invest in new players. Everything is prepared for it to happen.

“I just hope we see the Pogba of France and not the Pogba of Manchester United.”

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