Photo of 2 Igbo Christians Who Changed Into Muslim Religion In Enugu

Photo of 2 Igbo Christians Who Changed Into Muslim Religion In Enugu … Two Christians now Convert To Islam In Nigeria Islamic worshippers decision

According to reports making the rounds online, two Igbo Christians who were identified as Chizoba and Chidera have converted to Islam in Enugu State.

According to one Muhammad Kabir Orjiegbulam, the conversation took place at Central Mosque in Ibagwa-Aka, Igbo-Eze South Local Government of the state on Friday, January 28.

“Allahu Akbar. They accepted Islam today at Central Mosque Ibagwa-aka in Enugu State. Brother Chizoba is now Musa and Sister Chidera is now Adina. May Allah make them useful to Islam in Igbo Land. Amen.” he wrote.

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