Outrage as boss says he identifies as a dog in response to prospective employee who identifies as transgender

Outrage as boss says he identifies as a dog in response to prospective employee who identifies as transgender
A boss’ response to a message from a transgender person has caused outrage.

A screenshot of a conversation between a boss and a prospective employee was quoted on Twitter by freelance journalist Katelyn Burns.

The message shows a person named Allie introducing themselves as transgender to a prospective boss.

“By the way I came out as transgender this year, I go by allie now. but if you ever see a resume for Althea that’s mine haha,” Allie wrote.

The Boss responded: “I’m identifying as a DOG now.

“I stay home and sleep all day and lick my balls. Wait for people to feed me.”

Allie replied: “Idk if you think I’m kidding but i’m 100% serious and find your ‘joke’ offensive.”

The boss didn’t back down.

“Good luck with the job hunting woof woof,” the prospective boss wrote back

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