Nigerian Man Running After Someone’s Chicken Finally Woke Up In Prison

BREAKINGNEWS: Nigerian Man Running After Someone’s Chicken Finally Woke Up In Prison

A man has been sent to jail for stealing chicken. An Upper Area Court sitting in Kasuwan Nama in Jos on Thursday, condemned a 22-year-old-merchant, Yusuf Musa, to one-year detainment for taking chicken.

The judge, Yahaya Mohammed, condemned Mr Musa after he confessed to taking the chicken. Mr Mohammed, in any case, gave the convict an alternative of N10,000 fine. He said the judgment would fill in as an impediment to the individuals who might need to enjoy such a demonstration of taking. Prior, the examiner, Ibrahim Gokwat, told the court that the case was accounted for on December 15, at the Laranto Police Station by Steven Pam of Lomak St., Laranto zone in Jos, who was the complainant.

The neighborhood said that the chickens were shouting out and when the owner went out to keep an eye on them, he saw the convict with the chicken in their hands. Court actually blamed the thief

The investigator said the offense negated Sections 58 and 272 of Plateau State Penal Code Law.

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