NDLEA: About 4.5 Million People In Lagos Are Addicted To Drugs

On 16th March 2021, National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Brig. Gen. Buba Marwa reported that about 4.5 Million People Living in Lagos Were Drug Addicts

Marwa, on Tuesday, ordered the NDLEA operatives to annihilate the drug cartels in the State and also to disconnect their supply source.

The Chairman of NDLEA, Brig. Gen. Buba Marwa gave the order when he visited the facility of the agency in Lagos for an on-the-spot assessment of its amenities.

He was on the second day of his three-day evaluation visit to the several facilities of the agency in the state, as well as other entities that are of key significance to the agency’s operations. Marwa, an Ex-Lagos Governor, criticised the high rate of illegal drug trafficking in the State, stated that the state is responsible for 30 per cent of the total drug addicts in the nation.

He said,

“In the country, an estimate of 15 million people belongs to one or more aspects of illicit drug dealing. This means about 4.5 million people in Lagos State are into illicit drugs.”

The NDLEA boss stated that some of the factors responsible for the illegal drug menace in Lagos State consist of the large population, the existence of two seaports and airports and countless unregistered medicine vendors.

As indicated by Marwa, there are about 1.58 million patent medicine stores in the nation.

He said,

“Out of the figure, only 58,000 patent medicine outlets are registered while about 1 million others remain unregistered. This has really enhanced sales of illicit drugs in the state.”

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