NAIJA NEWS – Omotola’s Daughter Graduates With 2 Degrees

Nollywood film star Omotola Jalade Ekeinde took to Instagram to share her excitement as her 2nd daughter Meraiah Ekeinde graduates with two degrees at 19.

Meraiah bagged Associate of Art in Merchandise Product Development and A Bachelors of Science in Business Management.

Although Captain Matthew Ekeinde couldn’t attend her graduation ceremony, their son Michael was with his sister to celebrate her big day.

Check out Omotola’s message:

It’s Raining blessings!!!

I have seen the lord’s goodness…please join me as I celebrate. My Twinny @miiimiii_e just Graduated!!!. 2 Degrees ! Associate of Art in Merchandise Product Development and A Bachelors of Science in Business Management.

Both by the age of 19 !!! #Capt who was scheduled to be with her couldn’t make it as date for his simulator dragged and he was stuck in SA.

However, the family was Ably represented by @michael_ekeinde and our loving friends. Thank you Irene, Clotilde, Everyone and Congrats Mimi…

I cant wait to see where Next your journey takes you. Love you loads #fidmgraduation #productdeveloper #businessmanagement#businessmanager

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