My Body Is Far More Expensive Than Your Bank Accounts – Princess Shyngle Disclose

My Body Is Far More Expensive
Than Your Bank Accounts –
Princess Shyngle Disclose

Gambian actress, Princess Shyngle has Disclose that her body is far more expensive that what most people have in their banks accounts.

Recall that the dark-skinned curvy actress was recently quoted as saying that she had to remove five ribs and her small intestine so as to have the tiny waist she has.

Well, in a new social media post, Princess Shyngle revealed the other things she feels those that reported about her ribs removal didn’t include in their report.

She shared: “ They say I did rib removal surgery which is worth over $50,000. Tummy tuck and lipo worth $20,000. Hip and butt implant worth $18,000.

“Breast implants worth $21,000 lol so in total I have over $100,000 worth of surgert done on my body. Omggg y’all better put respect on my name from now on because my body is literally more expensive than ya’all bank account put together”.

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