It looks like Future’s bodyguard was on the wrong end of a racially-profiled sucker punch that knocked him out cold TMZ reports.

The incident happened yesterday in Ibiza, Spain at the International Airport. Sources say Future had just arrived and was walking through the terminal when ten guys approached and asked for a photo. Future said, “Not today, guys,” because he was tired and had just gotten off a long flight. That’s when the guys got mad and began hurling racial slurs and other epithets.
Sources say Future’s bodyguard stepped in and tried to block the guys and get Future to his ride on the curb. The bodyguard reportedly fought off several of the guys before someone came from behind and sucker punched him. There are some witnesses who are saying that the person who struck the bodyguard did so with a rock, which knocked him out cold, but I personally don’t see anything in his hand in the clip.
The bodyguard ultimately did his job however as future was un-injured during the scuffle & safely made it to his vehicle.
We’ll continue to keep you posted if anything further arises from the fight.

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