Modern Science, Applications And Basic Computer Technology

Modern Science, Applications And Basic Computer Technology – ICT Article

On this page we’re going to discussed on modern science, the applications and basic computer technology, we would also look at the scientific approach to knowledge, origin of life and evolution of man energy resources and utilization.

Recognizing that the development of any society is largely dependent on the advancement in science and technology, this course is therefore designed principally to expose students to the rudiments of scientific thought and applications in life and the environment.

Modern science and technology has also introduces the computer and its applications to various fields of endeavor. This is relevant in communication and educational research and development in contemporary world.

The Content Of This Article Is Categorized Under;-

  1. Basic Concepts of Computer
    Advantages, classification and characteristic
    Description of Hardware and Software (input, output, CPU, auxiliary storage and communication devices.
  2. Functions, Types and Features of Operating Systems
    DOS, Windows 98/2000, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, etc. Computer virus (operation, characteristics, types and prevention approaches).
  3. Types of Application Software
    Word Processing Spreadsheets, presentation, communication and graphics with examples in each category (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, SPSS).
  4. Computer and Society
    Applications in education, arts, medicine, banking, accounting etc.
  • Data Communication
    Transmission mode and communication channels, computer network (advantages, types and topologies) and internet (services, protocols, terminology search engines, web etiquettes and e-mailing).
  • The Origin and Scope of Science
    The nature and meaning of science. The goals of science of and technology, scientific approach to knowledge, measurement of matter and energy and units of measurement.
  • Man and His Environment
  • Energy resources and utilization. The meaning and forms of energy. Energy conversion, renewable energy, prospects of future energy resources in developed and developing countries.
  • Exploitation and Conversion of Natural Resources
    Forms of natural resources and exploitation.
    Application of science and technology
  • Environmental Degradation and Pollution Studies
  • Types of degradation, classification of pollution and pollutants, types and effects of pollution: air, water, soil or terrestrial and noise.

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