Mercy Aigbe Say She Might Go Back To My Husband

I Might Go Back To My Husband — Mercy Aigbe Reveals

Actress and fashion icon, Mercy Aigbe has revealed that she might go back to her estranged husband, Lanre Gentry.

In an interview with Seye Kehinde’s City People Magazine she talked about a lot of things and why she doesn’t have plans of ever settling down with any other man.

Below are the excerpts;

What really defines Mercy Aigbe’s fashion style?

I am humbled when I am referred to as one of the most stylish actresses in the movie industry. I have always loved fashion. I love to look good all the time. I like to get compliment from people. Call me attention seeker, I don’t mind. I just like when people tell me oh you are looking amazing. You are looking good. And for me, Fashion is what you use your money to purchase.

And Style is what you do with what you purchased. Style is different, every individual has its own style. My style is comfortable, though not all the time, if I tell you, most of those shoes you see me wear are comfortable for me, then am lying. At times fashion is pain, at times you wear heels that is painful, at times you wear clothes that are very tight and uncomfortable, those are the price I have to pay for my looking good, and I don’t really feel the pain anymore, most times, when I get all the positive complement. At times, I also go for comfort, cheek and very urban. It all depends on my mood and the event am attenting and that is it.

How have you balanced out your business, acting career and motherhood?

Honestly it has not been easy. It has been challenging, and overwhelming because acting takes a lot of time. At the same time, as a Fashion Entrepreneur, I have need a lot of time to operate the business. So at a point it gets so tiring, but I have been able to plan my schedule in a way that, I have certain time, I dedicate to my business, my acting career, and certain time I give to my children because I am also a mother, I have to play a prominent role in my children’s lives, especially now that am a single mother, I need to play that double roles in their lives, check on their homework.

My daughter is in school, I also need to check on her, everynow and then. God also bless me with wonderful team, I have very hardworking and dedicated staff in Mag Divas, they are very competent, I equally have very reliable domestic staff that works for me, so with all these workers, they make the work very easy for me.

How has it been managing the Mercy Aigbe Brand?

Mercy Aigbe as a brand has grown over the years. It has evolved over the years, though I am still growing and learning more. I have not even gotten to the quarter of where I am planning to go to, but I give God all the glory, he has been indeed faithful. I am grateful for where I am today, it is all God’s grace, and the support of my loyal fans who stayed loyal and true to the brand all these years, showing me so much support, patronising my business and buying my movies as well. As a brand influencer, any brand I influence, they key into it.

The fans are the main people who got me to where I am today. Funny enough Mag Divas started on Instagram, through my followers, you know am a fashionable person and I love to take picture, I take lots of pictures. Am sure my fans are even tired of my pictures, but because of the love, they just keep liking them. I post lots of pictures.

So I started getting comments from my fans that I should open a fashion store, some will be like, am waiting to see what you will post today, so it can inspire me to put my outfit together, so it was at that point that I realised lots of people are on my page because of my style and fashion sense. I suddenly became an inspiration to them, when it comes to fashion and that was what made me open Mag Divas Clothing line. It motivated me into going boutique business.

How old is Mag Divas now?

We are 4 years.

With how many branches?

We have 3 branches now and working on the 4th branch. We have in Lagos, Ibadan and Abeokuta. We are expanding. We have a website, and people order on-line as well. We are also among the most followed boutique on Instagram, we have over half a million followers. It has been God all the way.

How do you cope with all the controversies you face on Instagram from your followers?

It is fine. I like it. It makes me laugh. At times, when I read some comments, I roll on the floor and laugh it out. It actually makes social media fun, am sure if there were no negative comments like that, social medial will be boring, the negative comments makes it all fun, but anybody that I don’t like or gets to me, I delete and block such person. If the comment is not too bad, I only delete and don’t block such person.

How do you manage to keep cool with lots of controversies linked to you?

Controversies come with the job. Controversies sell and a lot of media knows that, so at times they come up with controversial stories and put it up out there and people will just want to contribute. It’s okay, I have develop a thick skin for all that.

Any plan of remarrying again, considering your looks and attraction from men?

(Laughs!) Honestly, I have no such plans. I am not fully divorced, and I don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Never say never. I have put everything in God’s hands. If God says I will go back to my husband, it is fine. If God says am okay like this, then it’s fine too. Let God take absolute control of everything but there’s no plan of ever settling with someone else.

Lots of the younger actresses always say, they can’t talk about their success story, in terms of business without mentioning your name. Why do you always encourage them considering the envy and hate in the industry?

I love to support young, hardworking and enterprising women, not just with actresses alone, in other field as well, I do it a lot. Even if I don’t know you, I always support them, I derive joy supporting, hardworking, industrious and determined women. I know what I went through to get to where I am today, so I love to use my platform to support them, if that is the only way I can contribute and help them, why not, I know it’s not easy, so I need to encourage them, that is who I am.

What is the secret behind your good looks?

Ah! Ah. I watch what I eat, I eat healthy, drink a lot of water, stay out of trouble as much as I can and I worry less, any problem I cannot solve, I take it to God almighty and that has really help me to stay happy and beautiful.

It is fine. I like it. It makes me laugh. At times, when I read some comments, I roll on the floor and laugh it out. It actually makes social media fun, am sure if there were no negative comments like that, social medial will be boring, the negative comments makes it all fun, but anybody that I don’t like or gets to me, I delete and block such person. If the comment is not too bad, I only delete and don’t block such person.

from city people magazine.

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