LET’S TALK!! Should Christians Celebrate Christmas or Not? (See Why You Shouldn’t)

As a Christian, I love Christmas. I get to spend time with my family, friends, relatives, listen to Christmas music, eat good food, and celebratethe birth of Jesus Christ.

But is that the right thing to do? Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?

The word Christmas and setting aside a specific day to celebrate Jesus Christ’s birth is not found anywhere in the Bible. There is no biblical mandate that tells you about whether or not you should celebrate Christmas as a Christian.

25th December celebration is unbiblical and unnecessary. Go and ask or research what Pope Juilus the first of the Catholic Church did in 350 A.D just because he wants to win Roman and Egyptian pagans into Christianity.

Around 30 A.D to 380 A.D, the first Popes and Priests of Christianity were members of the same Pagan occult in Rome who convinced  Emperor Theodosius of Rome to adopt the Christian religion.

It was around 341 A.D, in the council of Antioch, that Christians started calling themselves Christians. Around 411 to 581 A.D, Roman Pagan rituals were fully incorporated into the Christian activities which made lots of Pagans to convert to Christianity after seeing that their rituals were practiced in Christendom.

Therefore, as you celebrate 25th December, you are celebrating the rituals carried out to give reverence to Mithras and Egyptian God Horus.

So I ask again,

Should Christians Celebrate Christmas or Not?

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