Just in: Hours to election, Boko Haram Strikes in Yobe

Just in: Hours to election, Boko Haram strikes in Yobe

Barely one hour to the commencement of 2019 presidential and National Assembly elections, Gaidam town in Yobe state is currently under Boko Haram attack.
According to Daily Trust report, the attackers were sighted at Maladari, a village located 6km to Gaidam around 3am.
“They arrived Gaidam around 6:15am and began shooting sporadically.
“Residents including traditional rulers had fled the town. I’m currently taking refuge at Bukarti, the state governor’s village but we were told that the attackers are on their way here,” a resident who simply gave his name as Muhammad said.

He said that many residents that fled the town are in the bush with their wives and children without direction. “ We are suffering, we don’t know what to do ,” he added.
Gaidam town had in recent times recorded many attacks that left many soldiers and the insurgents dead.

Meanwhile, media had earlier reported that multiple explosions rocked Maiduguri ahead of the presidential and National Assembly elections scheduled for Saturday, February 23. The explosions were heard in Maiduguri, the Borno state capital in Northeast Nigeria
The explosions which started at exactly 5:52am, were reportedly more than eight. The explosions were said to have occurred around Molai, Dambo’a road, Bulumkutu and Njimtilo road axis.

Report has it that gunfire and explosions were also heard from other parts of Maiduguri metropolis

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