JUST IN: Donald Trump announces his planned Twitter rival TRUTH Social has raised $1 billion in investment cash

NEWS: Donald Trump announces his planned Twitter rival TRUTH Social has raised $1 billion in investment cash

Making the announcement of the cash injected into his upcoming site TRUTH Social, Trump said: ‘$1bn sends an important message to Big Tech that censorship and political discrimination must end.

‘As our balance sheet expands, Trump Media & Technology Group will be in a stronger position to fight back against the tyranny of Big Tech.’

The 45th President of the United States previously explained that his plan for TRUTH was to allow users to post ‘without discrimination on the basis of political ideology’.

The capital raise highlighted the former US president’s ability to attract strong financial backing seizing on his personal and political brand.

Trump is working to launch TRUTH Social during the first quarter of 2022.

The former President, who has hinted he might seek reelection in 2024, said TRUTH Social will be an alternative to Silicon Valley internet companies that ‘are biased against him and other conservative voices.’

The 75-year-old was banned from Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube after the January 6 insurrection in which a mob of Trump supporters attacked the US Capitol over his repeated false claims that the November 2020 election was stolen from him.

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