If You’re Looking To Marry, Stay Away From Ladies Below The Age Of 25yrs

If you’re looking to marry, stay away from ladies below the age of 25

Nigerian man who recently got married has advised men to stay away from ladies below the age of 25 when looking for a partner to marry.

In a series of tweets he shared, the man identified as Olaseni said the during the age of 25 is a period such ladies usually know what they want in life.

Olaseni shared,

“Let me say it again. If you are ready to marry, avoid women under the age of 25 except you are very sure and can vouch for the stability of their emotional state of mind. Don’t play yourself.”

Explaining how his opinion was formed, he revealed that ladies below 25 are usually ready for marriage in two years time,

“LMAO. This is strictly from my personal experience and a few others; It usually the peak of attention period for many and will have their hearts all over the place. It also the period they’ll begin to figure out what they really want. They are ready in another 2 years.”

His post appears to suggest that ladies below age 25 are usually not interested in serious relationship but games.

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