If Udom Emmanuel Is Voted as President, He’ll Fix Nigeria’s Economy – Obasanjo

Ex president of Nigeria Obasanjo has opined that if the present governor of Akwa Ibom, Udom Emmanuel is given opportunity to become 2023 President, he’ll fix the Nigeria’s Economy.

Bola Bolawole, Emmanuel’s spokesperson, quoted Obasanjo as making the comment on Tuesday when the governor paid him a consultation visit at his residence in Abeokuta, Ogun state.

In April, the Brekete Family Radio/TV show bought the N40 million presidential nomination form for Emmanuel to contest on the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) platform.

Obasanjo was quoted as saying Emmanuel has shown what he can do for Nigeria through his achievements in Akwa Ibom.

“Knowing you the way I do and the knowledge that you possess, which you have expressed in your brief speech, I have no doubt that if you have the opportunity, you will fix the economy of Nigeria,” Obasanjo said.

“Our country is complex but not a complicated country to govern. It needs the application of honesty, fairness, and justice.

“I know that you are a man of conscience who fears God and will apply these guiding principles in your leadership.

“You have shown what you can do for Nigeria by what you have done in your state. It is, therefore, logical that when the opportunity presents itself, you will bring what you have done in your state to bear on the larger community.

“Your presidential bid is a fair and legitimate thing to ask for.”

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