How Bloggers Research Keywords When Writing SEO Content – Google

Would Bloggers Research Keywords When Writing Content for Super fast SEO ? – Webmasters , This Is How To Select Keywords When Creating Your Content in order to rank first page in Google — Galantmedia

How it Works – Keywords are super important to any blogger that wants to become an authority in their niche, or any blogger at all that wants to generate revenue via blogging, and how to select keywords is a skill every webmaster should posses. Choosing the right keyword is one of the SEO strategies used to boost rankings on Google SERP’s, and ultimately driving traffic to your site. It is therefore consequential that you to know how to select keywords when creating your content, so you aren’t just shooting without aiming at anything really.

Whats Do We Mean By Keyword?
A keyword is an idea or topic that tells what a content is about. In SEO terms, Keywords are the phrases/words that searchers enter into a search engine search box. Different people all over the world are searching for different things, and the words they type into the search box is what is called a keyword. For example, Someone could search for “dinner gown styles” “Lions” or “Baby toys” those are keywords.

Singular Keywords vs Long-Tail Keywords
Singular keywords are one word/phrase keywords. Just like searching for cars, or dogs, or clothes. While singular keywords usually have high search volumes, they come with extremely tough competition, and can be very vague in terms of description. So someone could search for babies, and what they might be looking for could be baby toys, or baby food, or baby clothes.

On the other hand, Long-Tail keywords are clearly defined and have less competition, and a size-able amount of targeted traffic. For example, “best healthy baby food”. That is a long-tail keyword that has less competition than just “baby food”, good traffic, and targeted visitors.

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