Housewife Coerce Husband’s Teenage Son Gets pregnant, Blames Husband for Her Frivolities

Mrs Justina Agbumi, a housewife in Nasarawa State, has narrated how she got pregnant for her husband’s biological son

The woman, who blamed the incident on a frosty relationship with her husband, said things fell apart in her marriage after she was unable to conceive, with no sense of remorse and justifiable words

The woman sexually exploit the teenager, seduced him and threaten to kill him, if he turn down her advances, or tell anyone her trespasses

During a chat with The Nation, Agbumi said being childless for 19 years, she was curious to establish whether she was indeed barren.

She said she decided to put her fertility to test with the young man that was staying with them, not knowing he was the biological son of her husband.

Agbumi said her husband, who is now late, had brought in the young man and introduced him to her as one of his relatives from the village.

She said the relationship with her husband, which was once the envy of many, became laced with frustration because she was unable to conceive.

“It got to a point that I asked myself if I was still living with the same man I married. He suddenly became a beast, calling me barren, harlot and useless, just because I couldn’t take in.

“He was my best friend before we got married. We were ready to have children as quickly as possible so we could move on.

“But after five years and more, there was nothing. I didn’t take in, so I became worried.

“We went for several tests but we were told I had no problem but my husband had low sperm count and he needed to regulate his diet, which we did, but nothing changed.

“Because he is the only son, his mother had already become hostile to me, visiting regularly from the village while my husband also joined her in frustrating me.

Before then, I visited places my faith would ordinarily not permit to, because all I wanted was a child. Yet nothing came out of it.

“That was how I started living alone. I cried daily but that didn’t bring any succour.

“One day, I got an idea and decided to test my fertility with another man. I realised that would be adultery of the highest order, but I also felt it would be lesser sin if it was with my husband’s relation who was staying with us. I drew the young man closer and made him my best friend since my husband had stopped making love to me for close to seven months.

“Luring Godwin to start sleeping with me was a difficult decision but I was also considering my age.

“I had never cheated on my husband before, but I had reached the limit of my endurance and the circumstances around me was not in my favour.

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