Gunmen Seize N9.5m From Niger Chief Accountant At State Secretariat

Gunmen Seize N9.5m From Niger Chief Accountant At State Secretariat

Gunmen on Monday August 5, hijacked N9.5 million reportedly meant for the overhead expenses of the Head of Service in Niger State from its Chief Accountant Alhaji Idris Abdullahi. 

The Chief Accountant was said to be at the State Secretariat’s gate when the gunmen started shooting sporadically, and removed the money from the vehicle before speeding off. Eyewitnesses said the security and vigilantes at the secretariat allegedly ran for their lives after the gunmen struck at about 10:30am this morning. 

The state’s police spokesperson  Abubakar Muhammad, confirmed the incident and also disclosed that the police is on the trail of the gunmen.

“We have dispatched the information to all our units in the command to be on alert . We are on top of the situation.

“There is a kind of vulnerability in moving such large amount of money about. We are advising members of the public and government officials to desist from moving large amounts of money particularly during this period.

“We are encouraging them to use the electronic banking options in doing this. We should not make ourselves vulnerable by moving such large amount of money” he said. 

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