Girl Rescued After 3 Yahoo Boys Attempted To Cut Off Her Head For Rituals In Delta

The incident happened on Sunday, February 13, at Macult road in Okpaka, Delta State.

Some suspected internet fraudsters have attacked a young girl and tried to cut her head off for money ritual.

The girl was however miraculously rescued before they could finish her off, according to HGS Media Plus.

The incident happened on Sunday, February 13, at Macult road in Okpaka, Delta State.

It was gathered that the victim was returning from where she went to buy shawama when the boys attacked her.

While they attempted to butcher the girl, a vehicle drove towards their direction and flashed it’s light on the suspects prompting them to flee into the bush leaving the victim with several cuts in the pool of her blood.

The driver immediately rushed the victim to one FAB clinic where she is currently receiving treatment.

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