Former SGF Anyim Pius Anyim explains why he was detained by the EFCC

Former Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Senator Pius Anyim Pius has explained why he was detained by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission days ago. 

In a statement released by his Media Adviser Sam Nwaobasi, the former SGF stated that he opted to go to the anti-graft agency’s office on his own, to clear his name which was mentioned by someone under investigation by the anti-graft agency.

Anyim noted that the officer in-charge was delighted to meet him, but he was surprised to be told that he can’t leave upon arriving the office by 3pm on Sunday October 24. 

He said the EFCC gave the conditions for his release, which were met promptly, leading to his release on Tuesday October 26. 

The statement read; 

 “Anyim who was also a former Secretary to the Federal Government went to the commission to clear his name which was mentioned by someone under investigation by the anti-graft agency.

“So, Anyim had been inundated with inquiries from friends, associates, PDP faithful and the general public.
“These were with regards to media reports that he was invited and detained ‘as part of an investigation in a case of alleged corruption and diversion of public funds.’

“It has, therefore, become necessary to put the records straight on what went on between Sunday, 24, to Tuesday, 26 of October.

“Senator Anyim got information that some person invited by the EFCC in connection with some matter it was investigating mentioned his name in the statement made to the EFCC.

“Determined, as always, to ensure that the truth prevails, Senator Anyim reached out to the officer handling the matter and offered, of his own volition, to come over to the EFCC to clarify any issues around which his name was mentioned.
“The officer was delighted and they agreed to meet in his office at the EFCC by 3pm, on Sunday, October 24.

“After his engagement, during which Senator Anyim was as candid as could be, to his utter surprise, he was told he would not be going home that day.
“By the next day, the EFCC gave the conditions for his release, which were met promptly.

“It took up to Tuesday, 26, for EFCC to complete their processes after which he was allowed to go home.”

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