Falz The Bahd Guy Announce Release Date For His New Album – Moral Instruction

Falz The Bahd Guy Announce Release Date For His New Album – Moral Instruction

Falz announces release date of new
album, advices Nigerians on State of

Sweet Boys Association President, Falz “The Badh Guy” has announced the title and the release date of his new album. The forthcoming album titled “ Moral Instruction ” is set to be released on January 15, 2019. The announcement comes a day after Falz released another controversial single “ Talk “, (which will be part of his upcoming album) which addresses major issues in Nigeria.

Falz who, has a degree in law and is son to popular Nigeria Lawyer, Femi Falana (SAN), also took to his Twitter handle @falzthebadhguy, to advice Nigerians on the affairs of the Nation. “I t’s very important that we continue to # Talk. We cannot attain the sanity that we seek by being quiet or nonchalant about our state of affairs. We need to react! And NOW! # NaMeTalkAmO “We have become terribly accustomed to this chaotic lifestyle. We all know that it is only a few people that benefit from this. They have ensured it remains that way. Yet we are quiet. #TALK ~NaMeTalkAmO” he tweeted. See the artwork below

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