Diezani Alison-madueke: EFCC Gives Latest Update On Extradition Of Ex-minister

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, on Wednesday gave an update on the move to arrest and extradite Diezani Alison-Madueke, a former Minister of Petroleum Resources.
Abdulrasheed Bawa, zonal head of EFCC in Lagos State said efforts are ongoing to arrest and extradite Alison-Madueke to face charges of corruption in Nigeria.

Bawa made the disclosure on TVC news programme, Your View, while responding to a question on EFCC’s effort to extradite the former minister.

According to Bawa:

“We are working on Diezani’s extradition. We have recovered over $80m properties. The matter is ongoing, and we would ensure she would be prosecuted.

“Law enforcement agencies in the country are working to ensure she is prosecuted.”

The former minister, who is believed to be residing in the United Kingdom, UK, is currently being investigated by the EFCC for alleged money laundering running into billions of dollars.

Recall that a Federal High Court Judge had ordered EFCC, the Department of State Services (DSS) and the Nigeria Police to arrest Alison-Madueke.

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