“Daddy-Freeze Attack Big Pastors Who Failed To Attend T.B Joshua’s Burial” – says they’re not True Christians

The leader and founder of Synagogue Church of All Nation, SCOAN, “Prophet T.B Joshua was given a befitted burial. May his soul rest in peace.

Daddy Freeze, A Media personality has expressed that he was so worried with the turnout of Christians to this man’s funeral. I doubt If we truly are Christians, every church should have sent a delegation.

I must say I am disappointed whether you like to admit it or not. I am disappointed. ”I am disappointed, disappointed in you all. You have not shown a legacy of love. None of you..I tried to monitor.

None of you could wear your clothes and fly your private jets and attend the funeral? If you ask me and you expect me to be honest, I am entirely disappointed in all the big daddies that we have. You people are our daddies.

If you behave like this, how are we the children going to behave? If we are fighting, it should be during when someone dies.

You people have turned gods of Men. He offended you, so? You don’t know what you have done… especially our daddies. ” – DaddyFreeze reprimands General Overseers who did not attend Late Prophet T.B Joshua’s funeral (video)

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