Court sentence Abuja clergyman to 7 years in prison for raping 14years old Girl

Justice Hussein Baba-Yusuf of an FCT High Court Maitama has sentenced a clergyman, Pastor Basil Princewill, founder Mountain Mover Ministry International Nyanya, to seven years in prison for rape.

The clergyman was arraigned in court by the police on allegation that he forcefully had sexual intercourse with a 14-year-old girl, between July 27 and Dec. 31, 2011 inside his church and his house at Nyanya, Abuja, without her consent and impregnated her. He was said to have given her drugs with a view to aborting a pregnancy. Princewill was charged with four counts bordering on rape, impersonation and attempt to cause abortion and abetting miscarriage.

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