[BREAKING NEWS] – Bill Gate Suggests Additional 18 Months Lockdown Before Movement Begins

COVID19: Bill Gate Suggests Additional 18 Months Lockdown Before Movement Begins

Coronavirus: Bill Gates warns it could be 18 months until life returns to normal

The Microsoft founder said a vaccine is ‘the most urgent tool that has ever been needed’ but added governments who fast- track a vaccine is a risk

Billionaire Bill Gates says life may not return to normal for 18 months following the coronavirus pandemic. The Microsoft founder said the crisis is “unprecedented” and is proving “very tough” – but a vaccine will bring the ordeal to an end.

He added that governments could fast-track a vaccine faster, but this could be risky, and developers would likely be promised they wouldn’t be sued if things go wrong, Daily Star reports.

He described a vaccine as “the most urgent tool that has ever been needed”. He told BBC Breakfast: “We want to get back to the life we had before coronavirus. “People are seeing the economic destruction, the psychological stress – this is such an unprecedented, very tough thing to deal with.

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