Before You Marry A Woman Above 30 Years Of Age – Think About This 4 Things

RELATIONSHIP TALK » Before You Marry A Woman Above 30 Years Of Age – Think About This 4 Things

In this article, I will be sharing my little experience I have gathered when it comes to relationship and most especially marrying a woman that is older than 30 years and above.

1. 30 years old and above lady may not agree to adjust her attitude and character to an extent. Marriage is all about learning and the best time to learn is when you are still tender, for instance imagine you at the age of 30 learning how to solve quadratic equations, how do you think you can learn it without forgetting it within few days or how challenging it might looks to you.

2. 30+ years old woman might have exhausted the extra oil. Do you actually know the meaning of 30 years plus, that simply means 30 men and above in her life, in most cases there are few ones that are reserved in her life though, but when it comes to those women it is difficult for them to stay under a man without comparing them with her ex boyfriends.

3. A 30 years old lady might have a lower fertility ratio, no need to talk more on this, we already know what it entails, the younger she is, the better chance of getting pregnant. Getting pregnant might be things of God’s gift and grace, but let’s think this way, a 21 years old lady seeking for child for 7 years have a better chance and more time than a 30 years old woman finding it difficult to conceive a child for the next 10 years, don’t you think that menopause is already knocking the door?

4. Marrying a younger woman increases mortality ratio.

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