After 10 Years Of Dating And 7 Ab*rtions, a Man Recounts How He And his Ex-girlfriend Married To Different People

He uncovered that during a new discussion, the two of them recognized that they screwed up and furthermore hoped everything would work out for one another.

Nigerian man has taken to Twitter to narrate how he and his former girlfriend got married to different people after 10 years of dating and 7 ab*rtions.

@jollyperv revealed that during a recent conversation, they both acknowledged that they messed up and also wished each other well.

He Tweeted;

We dated 4 over 10 yrs. Didn’t know how we fell out. After bout 7 ab*rtions 4 me. We r both married 2 diff spouses with kids. We Haven’t seen or talked in over 10 yrs. When I saw her name pop up as my phone rang. My heart skipped a beat as I picked the call

“Hello my love”

“Ayo mi” she answered “You know we f*cked up right?”

“Yes I know” I answered.

She said she just put to bed her second child and she knows her children would have been mine. I told her mine would have been hers too but it’s too late.

We just wished each other well and I know deep down in me that we may not hear each other’s voice for another couple of years but the affection remains in the heart.”

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