African Man George Floyd Killed By American Police As His Only Daughter Remains Fatherless

BRRAKING! African Man George Floyd Killed By American Police As His Only Daughter Remains Fatherless

MINNEAPOLIS — The mayor of Minneapolis is calling for charges against the white police officer who knelt on the neck of 46 – year – old George Floyd , a black man who died Monday after being restrained.

“Why is the man who killed George Floyd not in jail?” Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey said in a press conference Wednesday.

“If you had done it, or I had done it, we would be behind bars right now.” The mayor did not specify what the charge should be but said that his determination was based on video of the incident.

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The horrifying video spread quickly on social media Tuesday, showing the officer driving his knee into Floyd’s neck as he repeatedly says he can’t breathe. “We are not talking about a split-second decision that was made incorrectly,” Frey said. “There’s somewhere around 300 seconds in those five minutes, every one of which the officer could have turned back … and removed his knee from George Floyd’s neck.”

‘Why can’t I just be black?”: George Floyd ‘s death another wound for Minneapolis ‘ black community Thousands of protesters demanding justice for Floyd gathered at the intersection where Floyd was restrained.

They marched to a city police precinct before clashing with officers late Tuesday.

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