Advice Me – Is Uber And Taxify Still Working? – Business Investment

I Need Advice, Is Uber And Taxify Still Working? – Business Investment In Nigeria

Hello everyone, i have some money and i think i could invest in this Uber/Taxify stuff, i still have enough money to get a new or neatly used Toyotal corrolla 2003- 2006. I want to know how this works.

I am not planning to drive it myself, i am planning on giving it out to someone who will be bringing me money every week. I heard i could be receiving 25k to 35k per week(I don’t know how true is this) depending on the agreement with the driver. Secondly, what is not clear to me is the maintenance, who will be responsible when the car is faulty?

Also, these days, it looks like more people are trooping into this stuff, i want to ask if it is still booming? Is it a good idea to go into this at this time when Uber and Taxify are everywhere? Thanks as i await your responses. 

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