Abimbola O’larry Turner: Toyin Lawani Stole Fashion Designer’s

Toyin Lawani allegedly stole the design of a young fashion designer, according to a lady identified on twitter as Abimbola O’larry Turner.

Abimbola O’larry Turner claimed to be the elder sister of the designer who had earlier sent her designs to Toyin because she revers the established socialite as her idol.

Toyin allegedly used the design without giving credit to the rightful owner.

She wrote:

My baby sister designs clothes in her spare time. She sent some of her designs to her idol who makes dresses on IG. Today she found one of her designs had been made into a dress. And no credit to her. My baby girl is begging me not to make a fuss out of it. I’m so mad.

The person’s IG account is tiannahsplacempire. She sketched these designs in March and sent her these in May.

I heard she’s been doing this before now. I’m going to make sure she knows she bleeped with the wrong crowd this time.

Abimbola O’larry Turner then posted a video of Toyin’s design which without giving credit to the young designer.

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